Monday, March 29, 2010

The story of the self-search - short and incomplete version. Chapter without number: Intervision and Communication

Dear classmates, Dear Dorian,

I am very happy to have, maybe for the first time, the opportunity to speak openly about myself and since the subject is so personal, I have decided to put aside all kinds of formalities and talk to you in the most intimate, and personally, my favourite way: by writing you a letter.

It is very difficult to start with a beginning, because it’s hard to remember one. For me, the beginning took place years ago, when my father thought I was too loud for him and decided to take me to some theatre courses, so that I drive other people crazy, the beginning was maybe with every meeting that I had with acting teachers, which changed me in a good and sometimes in a bad way. Maybe it all began when I gave a test for the Master or the first day at school. You would wonder now: a beginning of what? Well, the answer is simple, a beginning for self discovery. You see, many of you here, or maybe all of you, have already an established career and you are searching through this Master a change, a step further, a way of becoming a better professional. I am at the beginning of my professional road, literally at the beginning. I jumped from the Bachelor into the Master taking in this way a normal path of my career, opening a new door, the one for teaching arts, which lately was defined by my ambition to organize and conduct workshops. But little did I know that this Master was going to do more than deliver the necessary tools to full-fill my goals.

My first surprise came along with the Belbin test. I was very surprised to see that the majority of you considered me to be a planter. The result test indicated actually a tight score between planter and researcher. Why was I so shocked? Well, a researcher is stable, relaxed and social, picking ideas in order to work with them. On another hand, a planter is creative, a free thinker, but often has a hard time communicating with others. Well, I can see now why “having a hard time communicating with others” indicated me as a planter, but putting all jokes aside, your review, for which I thank you, gave me confidence and courage. If I used not to have trust in my ideas and accept the ideas of others, your review certainly made me say: „Why not?”, „Why shouldn’t I trust myself?” - Typical problems for 23 year old girls. Of course, the negative parts also came with the good „stuff”, so yes, I did have to admit that my mother was right: I tend to me dominant, over enthusiast, impatient and extra sensitive to critics. But I can tell you for sure that I am working on that. I do hope that I can become a more sociable planter and a more focused researcher.

The Kolb test indicated me how, over the years and the situations, I became very pragmatic, sometimes too pragmatic for my taste, and as a decider, with a more abstract style, it appears that I love to connect theory with practice, to try solutions and to draw independent conclusions, and although the result is influenced by situation, Kolb was again right.

And as a final touch, the Rose of Leary has put a mirror in front of me, showing me things that I liked but also details that I wish I could improve. For example, although I can be very persuasive when I want something and apparently taking the initiative, which I don’t exceed yet, I can complain, distrust and show a rebel attitude, which can break the dynamic of a group and also my personal creative flow. But again, I am working on it.

Applying everything that I learned of myself, I can become a better professional, a better leader, a better team worker and a better person. It is amazing how the confrontation between my impressions and your view gave me more insights on the groups dynamics, on my contribution on it, with qualities and faults, and this is the luggage of knowledge that I take with me from the course of Intervision and Communication, trying to make use of it as much as I can.

I don’t know how to make an end, it is not really my favourite part, because I like to talk so much, but as an end of a new beginning, I will tell you a story: on 7 September 2009, I was sitting in Lange Viestraat, in front of the stairs, and I was telling myself: „This year will change your life” and it is constantly doing that, both on a professional level, but maybe more importantly, for me as a young actor, on a personal dimension, building for me the confidence, trust, order and self discipline that any artist needs to succeed – the strengths and weaknesses lie in myself.

